On Grid Solar System

Sahir On-Grid Solar System in Pakistan

Grid solar systems are the most common type of solar system in both residential and commercial buildings. They are inexpensive, easy to install, and efficient in generating electricity. At Premium Solar, we are incentivized to make on-grid solar systems accessible in your city Lahore at affordable prices.

Knowing that the grid system’s design has several advantages over other types of panel systems. We provide them in many sizes. Also, they are less expensive than other types of solar panels because of fewer parts which make them easier to assemble and maintain. We have different and affordable on-grid solar system packages in Pakistan as per our clients’ needs and usage.

We Offer Unlimited Benefits to Our Customers

Our inverters are responsible for converting DC electricity from a battery into AC electricity that appliances in your home or business can use.

We offer inverters with charge controllers that are responsible for measuring how much power is coming into your array and how much power you are using at any given time. Our solar panels when connected to the inverter generate energy when sunlight hits them. Our solar products include inverters, batteries, solar panels, and charge controllers. At Premium Solar, we offer the best solar panels, inverters and also provide high-quality installation services.

Solar Panels
We offer solar devices that convert sunlight into electricity and heat energy. They are a green energy source that is also inexpensive and dependable. Our solar panels aren’t typically as big of an investment as other power sources such as gas or coal. We offer on-grid solar systems that are also helpful for businesses because they don’t require additional electrical installation.
As the world moves towards a more sustainable future, the demand for renewable energy continues to grow. Our new product has emerged that could revolutionize the energy market, which is inverters. We offer inverters that convert solar power into alternating current (AC), which is used in homes and businesses to provide electricit
Battery Bank
Our Modern on-grid systems can help you save money, time, and effort. Battery bank of our on-grid system stores energy generated by solar panels during the day and releases it at night to power your home or business.
Charge Controllers
Our on grid solar panel has a charge controller that regulates and manages the flow of electricity from an inverter to a battery bank. It also monitors and controls how much power your solar panels generate. You can install them at the inverter, the first point of contact with the grid. They have three main modes:
Equalization Mode
In this mode, the charge controllers of our on grid panel use DC-to-AC converters to regulate the voltage on both banks of batteries. They regulate by adjusting their charging and discharging rates to reach equal levels.
Float Mode
In this mode, the charge controllers of our on grid system use DC-to-DC converters to regulate the voltage on both banks of batteries, but they operate the PV array at a variable duty cycle. It is typically used in systems with few batteries or when there is excessive solar power during the day. We use charge controllers in our on-grid systems for many purposes, such as: To reduce power consumption during off-peak hours. To maintain battery bank voltage during low light hours. To prevent batteries from overcharging. To protect against grid faults, etc.

How Does Our On-Grid Solar System Work?

At Premium Solar, we not only provide the best services but we make sure to educate customers about our product too.

We offer grid panels that use a grid with wires using energy from the sun or other sources. Our grid-connected solar panel can produce electricity in sunny weather and charge a battery during cloudy days.

We offer grid panels that are becoming more popular than ever because they are cheaper to install and maintain than conventional power grids. We also offer the most affordable 5kW solar system price in Pakistan.

Our grid-connected solar power system works when the electricity generated by a photovoltaic (PV) array is connected to an electrical grid through a utility company or electric cooperative.

Our on-grid solar system in Pakistan uses inverters, which convert the direct current (DC) from the grid into alternating current (AC), and then into DC again.

The AC is then sent to the solar panels and makes them produce electricity. The DC is sent from our solar panels back to the grid.

Our Inverters take power from the grid and convert it into DC before sending it out so that your home can still use electricity even if the power goes out. To charge your batteries with solar energy, you must use an inverter.

Our on-grid solar power system produces electricity by a PV array that is always connected to the grid, so any excess amount that isn’t used immediately goes back into the grid.

We Offer the Best On-Grid Solar System Price in Pakistan

The electricity demand has increased in Pakistan over the years. It has led to several solar projects being installed across the country. However, the cost of these solar projects is still relatively high.

Our on-grid solar system Price in Pakistan is a popular topic among consumers. Moreover, we offer several types of solar systems in the market. Our main systems include on-grid solar systems, off-grid solar systems, and hybrid solar systems.

The price of our on-grid solar systems can vary significantly depending on the size of the panel you want and the location of your installation. You must understand your needs before deciding what type of system you need for your home or business to avoid any hassle.

The average cost of our on-grid solar system in Pakistan is around Rs. 350,000 with a 5-year warranty generally. For more information about our solar systems in Pakistan, you can visit the Premium Solar website.

Feel free to Contact Sahir Electronic And Solar

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